Top 5 Indian Current Affairs Blogs and Websites in 2021

The importance of current affairs has increased in the last few years. UPSC does not follow any particular trend for current affairs. The questions are unpredictable. You can check the previous year's paper to get an idea about the questions.

Current affairs are very important in the UPSC exam preparation in all three stages- Prelims, mains, and interview. Current affairs cover various topics that overlap Geography, Polity, economics, history, and environmental science & technology. 

The questions of current affairs are difficult to classify, but this does not mean that current affairs are not important. Newspapers are very important while preparing for the UPSC exam. The newspaper covers static parts such as Geography, History, Economics, Political Science, Tech, and the environment.

Contemporary issues are related to the static portion of the UPSC exam, and questions are asked about analytical aspects, so you will have to correlate contemporary developments to the static part.

Check these resources to prepare current affairs

The Hindu: The Hindu is the best source.

  • To prepare for social, economic, and political issues
  • Elaboration of government programs and policies
  • Coverage of the environmental problems and policies at a national and international level, The Hindu is the best source.
  • Economic development and policies and scientific developments in Thursday edition.

The Indian Express

For international relations topics, The Indian Express newspaper is the best. To understand the stuff and dimensions for international relations, read the Indian Express daily. IFS officers write it.

PRS legislative research

  • Discussion of acts and bills.
  • A summary of all the tables and non-table bills of parliament.
  • All significant policy, events, parliamentary, and government committees reports. 

Newspapers are not published for UPSC candidates, so much information can be relevant for the UPSC aspirants. It is necessary to memorize the whole syllabus for prelims and mains and after reading the newspaper and making their notes. For prelims exams, note down the important science and technology facts, environment, and international organizations.

While preparing current affairs from a book, divide the Notebook into different parts such as GS paper 1, paper 2, paper 3, paper 4, etc. Whenever you read any news from the newspaper, relate them to the particular topic. It will help you to organize current affairs paper-wise and very easily.

Comprehensive current affairs coverage is necessary; otherwise, you will write about the same topic again and again. Choose a different book for GS 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th. Write heading for important topics and subtopics and keep the subheading in index too. This will help you organized current affairs easily.

Yojana and Kurukshetra magazine

These magazines cover diverse topics from social to economic and are published by the government of India. A detailed analysis of government schemes and programmes is provided. Don't read all articles, which are boring and time-consuming—read-only recent and relevant content from this magazine.

Youth Destination provides a monthly compilation of Yojana and Kurukshetra in question-answer format. These magazines are authentic sources of government policies and programs.

Loksabha and Rajya sabha debates

Government officials and subject experts discuss social, economic, and political discourse.

In the live discussion, you can find quality information and dimension better than reading articles. This is highly beneficial for the main exam

Some tips

A lot of study material is available for current affairs for the preparation of the UPSC exam. But there is no need to purchase unnecessary extra current affairs material. Choose better material rather than more material. You will not have enough time to read so many resources, so it is necessary to concentrate on quality rather than quantity.

Make proper research before choosing current affairs 2021. A lot of online and offline sources are available to prepare for current affairs. Select the sources and magazines recommended by expert faculty and toppers. After deciding on current affairs, stick to them strictly.

UPSC current affairs in Hindi are important but don't dedicate your full day to a single subject, make a proper schedule and invest your time equally in all topics. Read daily current affairs within 2 hours, including newspaper reading, news summary, revision, monthly compilation, and internet uses for current affairs. Don't invest more than two hours; otherwise, it can disturb your study schedule.

Just reading the news is not beneficial for UPSC aspirants. You will have to read the issue deeply. News is about an occurrence or happenings, while issues are about the concept of the happening. To understand the issue, find the reasons behind the news. See both sides of the issue, positive and negative, and obtain data facts and current affairs reports today.

Here you can create your opinion, suggestions, and ideas about the issue and how to deal with it.

Prepare notes for current affairs and properly organize them not to waste your time searching for notes. You can make online notes on digital mediums like laptops, mobile phones, and PCs. It is not only easy and hassle-free but a little time-consuming.

Read essential news and daily current affairs for UPSC, highlight the specific news, and then save it online to revise it later. Prelims exam consists of two objective types of paper for 400 marks: General studies first and general studies second. Each paper consists of 200 marks, and negative marking is also applicable. Both papers will be organized on the same day.

Stay updated regularly about the current relevant incidents because daily current affairs play an essential role in the UPSC exam. Start your preparation from today. Take regular daily current affairs quiz for UPSC to check your preparation and knowledge as the ratio of current affairs is high in the UPSC prelims 2021.

By following these suggestions, you can crack the UPSC exam easily and make your dream come true.

To get a high score choosing appropriate resources for current affairs and continuous efforts are necessary. Prepare daily current affairs online because they are updated regularly.

Finally, there is no alternative to hard work. This exam needs hard work and continuous improvement in yourself. Youth Destination will provide you personal mentorship to improve your weak areas and clear your doubts.


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