Best Newspapers and Magazines for Current Affairs for UPSC IAS Exam

The importance of reading newspapers and magazines for current affairs cannot be underestimated to succeed in the Civil Service exam. Apart from NCERT books, standard books, newspapers, and monthly magazines are also vital in preparing daily current affairs for UPSC. There are a lot of current affairs-based questions asked in the IAS exam.

These tips will help you find the best newspapers and magazines for UPSC current affairs in Hindi and read them effectively. The most recommended newspaper for the IAS exam is 'The Hindu.'

Read all the events that are of national and international importance.

Important resources

-Yojana magazine 

-Kurukshetra magazine 

-Website of various ministries 

-Press Information Bureau

You can also check out Youth Destination's current affairs page. Here you will find the gist of Yojana and Kurukshetra magazines, daily news analysis, and PIB summary. Don't spend more than one-hour reading newspapers or other current affairs for UPSC, including magazines.

Important topics to read in the newspaper

Polity section

  • Important bills in the parliament
  • news about the constitution and its amendments.
  • Government press conferences are also important because the policies and schemes are announced here.
  • Parliamentary debates.
  • List of the developmental schemes and their provisions
  • Election-related news

General knowledge section

  • News about environment and ecology Global warming 
  • Climate change 
  • Significant developments and achievements in the field of science 
  • News related to endangered species

International news

  • Read about the international organizations like WHO, ASIAN, IMF, UNICEF, UNESCO
  • Visits of the Prime Minister and the president
  • Agreements and treaties are signed in these bilateral visits.
  • Important political events in other countries

Economy section

  • GDP 
  • CPI 
  • ZIP
  • Government press release related to RBI and Banking 
  • Reforms in the field of agriculture, Economy, and Industry 
  • SEBI 
  • Planning Commission etc

Avoid this news

Don't spend time reading about press conferences by political parties or who defeated whom in the elections. That news is not relevant to the IAS exam. Regional news can be read-only for interview purposes. Don't read masala news items state news is also not very important, sports news is essential if related to polity and administration, but typically, it is not very important. Avoid Entertainment news too.

A daily current affairs quiz for UPSC is highly beneficial to prepare for current affairs.

How to read the newspaper

  • Read-only exam-related news, editorials, and articles. Read the news that is important to the exam rather than your interest. 
  • Some aspirants get entangled in their favorite topic or person featured in the newspaper, but this can take your precious time. The main aim of reading the newspaper is to clear the IAS exam.
  • Have an idea of the UPSC syllabus before starting reading the newspaper. It will help you to understand what is related to the syllabus. 
  • Make notes from the newspaper.
  • There is no need to go in-depth for every news. You have to understand the basic problems and key figures. 
  • Read the positive and the negative sides of any news.
  • While reading the newspaper, multiple perspectives, an unbiased point of view, and a balanced approach are needed.
  • Make notes in your own words, and it should be simple, easy to learn, and well organized.
  • Set your time limit of reading newspaper
  • Youth Destination provides comprehensive daily updated news analysis.
  • Read about all the categories like Science and Technology, Polity and economics.
  • Geography, Environment, and Ecology. It will make your preparation easy.

Yojana magazine

Yojana is a monthly magazine that the government itself publishes. It deals with Economic, social issues, and the magazine covers important topics every month like the agriculture industry, Make in India, Skill India, etc. 

This magazine covers all the government initiatives, programs, and legislation. Experts related to the particular field give their opinions in this magazine. It is beneficial for the candidates To prepare current affairs for UPSC for the main exam, especially for essay papers and interviews.


The publications division also publishes this magazine, focusing on rural development, infrastructure, agriculture, tribal population, etc. Kurukshetra magazine covers the aspects and analysis of the programs and schemes in the rural areas. It is very helpful for essay papers, interviews, and the main GS papers.

This magazine is available in Hindi and English both these magazines are very important to cover current affairs in Hindi for the Civil Service examination. You can also download free PDFs of these magazines.


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